Confessions of an OCD blogger...

This shouldn't be a surprise to me or anyone who knows me - I'm fairly obsessive about all my other hobbies. But I tried blogging about 2 years ago and it didn't stick. I was irregular about posting and did it primarily as an obligation to family and friends. A painful chore at best. But this blog is totally different. I'm really enjoying writing it, because I'm writing what I want. And I'm enjoying how writing it is changing me. I'm writing more now in my everyday life as a result, and feel like I'm thinking about things in a different light.
So thanks for reading here at the Hideaway so I don't have to feel like the crazy cat lady who talks to herself all the time. Hope you enjoy reading it at least half as much as I enjoy writing it.
Labels: blogging
well ok, since you asked so nicely. :)
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